Nov 4, 2022

Woke up at 181.4. I had a decently large breakfast at West End. Croissant with scrambled egg, ham and gouda. Lunch was a chicken and provolone sandwich. After lunch I went to the Y and did a starter back and biceps workout.

For dinner I’m having chicken taco soup. Looking forward to it.

Nov 3, 2022

Finally woke up not feeling like someone hit me in the face with a bag of bananas. Did a little bit of yoga. Weighed in at 182.0. Had a breakfast of 3 scrambled eggs, and 4 sausage links. For lunch I had a banana, and a handful of mixed nuts.

After work I went on a 7 mile run. Trying not to be completely unprepared for my race on Saturday. Came home and had some dinner. I don’t know the word that it’s called. But it’s like a rolled pizza, so I mean, it tasted amazing. Small piece of chocolate cake :/ and that’s it.

Nov 1st, 2022 (leg day)

Didn’t have a great weekend. Felt awful for most of it – didn’t do a single workout. Also our water heater went out so I couldn’t take a shower for three days.

Woke up at 182.4 – so not terrible. For breakfast I had 3 scrambled eggs, and 4 sausage links. Lunch was a turkey/cheese sandwich, some mixed nuts, a banana and a couple small cookies I found at work. (didn’t need those). For dinner I had Stromboli. Not sure that’s the health food I need but it tasted amazing. Small piece of cake for dessert.

Leg workout – first one in a really long time, so it’s a start.

October 28th, 2022

Woke up at 180.6 so that was kind of surprising. I’ll take it. I felt like junk a lot of the day and then when I wasn’t feeling bad, I was driving in the car to take Aunt Sandy to Clinton IA. It was a nice day to drive but I’ve been pretty sedentary for most of the afternoon.

Food: Breakfast- 3 egg omelette with cheese and pico for breakfast. Lunch – 3 small chicken nuggets, a few pieces of pepperoni, english muffin with raspberry jam. Dinner– Rice and beans with sour cream and pico. A few chocolate chips for desert.

Oct 27, 20022

Woke up weighing 182.4. So down a bit. Not even sure how that happened really. So there’s that. Had a decent breakfast: a gross breakfast burrito. It was the last one so I’m not sad about it. Lunch was a sliced chicken sandwich, with a banana and a couple oranges. Came home and had a handful of chips. :-|. Went for an 8 mile run. Stayed in zone 3 and it felt good. Dinner was spaghetti, a couple pieces of french bread and a little vine. Also a pumpkin cookie.

Any where here’s the run.

The Beginning: Cardio and Cake.

I love to run. I love deserts. Until just recently they (along with my genetics) have coalesced into a decent way of life, my clothes fitting…good enough. I tend to be in a constant fight with about 10-12 lbs. I can lace up and get after 8 miles with a around a 8 minute pace no problem but I still don’t feel great in my body.

My current diet consists of breakfast burritos, egg sandwiches. I won’t say no to any donuts that might be in my sight. Leftovers for lunch or sliced chicken and cheese sandwiches. I sometimes find the will to keep a desert out of my lunch, but other times I’ll throw a couple cookies or a brownie in there. . When I get home I’ll sometimes have chips and dip, or any quick snack. Then for dinner, it’s whatever the kids are having, spaghetti and meatballs, pizza, enchiladas and sometimes Alissa makes healthier stuff but I always follow it up by the available dessert as the final course of the meal AND something to eat while I watch TV around 9-9:30pm.

The past few months I’ve noticed changes in my physique that I know is due to diet + age + neglect. That leaves me at a crossroads. I can either take the path of least resistance and let time, gravity and the diet of a 22 year old take me down the road of un-health. OR I can become who I want to be: a 50 year old who is strong and agile sustained by disciplined, educated activity and a diet marked by real food that fuels my body instead of fills it.

Here is my weigh in with the renpho scale/app this morning.

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